Terms & Conditions

Returning Merchandise

You can return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. Unless otherwise noted, the refund will be for the full value of the returned items. Shipping and handling fees will not be refunded.

To initiate a return, you must first obtain a Return number. Contact us via the available form ensuring that the name, e-mail and phone fields are completed and both an order number (this will be in the format #1001) and brief description of the fault are included. A member of our administration team will be in contact with you with further instructions.

Credit for the returned items is applied to the bank card that was used to make the purchase. Returns will be applied to the purchasing account within 5 to 10 days of the date that the return is accepted by Kicker UK. If the return is a result of our error, Kicker UK may compensate you for the return shipping.

Refunds, Credits & Balances Due

As soon as Kicker UK receives and processes your return, we will notify you via email. Your account should be credited within 10 business days of the time that you receive this email. The return credit should be reflected on your statement within one or two billing periods, depending on your financial institution's billing cycle.

Defective Items

A defective item is one that is inoperable but has no apparent damage. If you receive defective merchandise please contact Kicker UK for assistance.

Damaged Items

If an order arrives to you with obvious shipping damage, please refuse the delivery. If you have accepted delivery and then find shipping damage, please contact Kicker UK immediately using the information provided on our contact page.

Please save all packaging material and paper work for the order if shipping damage is a possible issue. If you dispose of packaging material or attempt to return the merchandise without contacting us you jeopardise our chances of making a claim, and you may not receive credit for the return.

Limits of responsibility

Merchandise is covered under warranty for 2 years providing the outlined conditions are met.

We accept no responsibility for user-initiated damage and/or loss of parts incurred during operation or use of product.

Stock availability

Stock is made available for delivery from our UK warehouse wherever possible. In the case that an item is out of stock, orders will be fulfilled at the earliest opportunity. Any orders placed when an item is not available from our UK warehouse will be notified following order completion to inform of the expected delivery date.

For confirmation of availability please use our contact us page


We are open Monday-Friday (excluding bank holidays) and aim to ship all orders same day. While we can't guarantee that all orders will leave us straight away any order placed before 2pm should arrive with you next working day.

Orders are shipped using a courier next working day service (to mainland UK) and can be delivered up until 6pm. Price and delivery time on UK orders from outside the scope of "mainland" will vary.